Monday, May 13, 2013

Portuguese to English Dictionary - Portuguese to English Translation

Portuguese to English Dictionary - Portuguese to English Translation

  • disposition in case of death
  • disproportionate sub-class numbers
  • disproportionate
  • dispute resolution
  • disputed claim
  • disreputable
  • disrespectful
  • disrupted
  • disruption
  • disruptive
  • disruptive behavior
  • dissecting microscope
  • dissecting scalpel
  • dissection
  • dissection tuberculoma
  • dissector
  • disseminate
  • disseminated decay of the organs
  • disseminated herpes simplex of the newborn
  • disseminated neuritis
  • dissemination of culture
  • dissemination
  • disservice
  • dissimilar
  • dissimilation
  • dissociation
  • dissociation
  • dissociation
  • dissociation chemical interference
  • dissociation
  • dissociation
  • dissociation
  • dissociative amnesia
  • dissociative disorders
  • dissociative recombination
  • dissoluble
  • dissolved gases
  • dissolved oxygen
  • dissolved solids
  • distal phalanx
  • distal
  • distamycins
  • distance learning
  • distance vision
  • distemper virus
  • distemper
  • distend
  • distended
  • distension luxation
  • distension of the stomach
  • distension
  • distichiasis
  • distigmine
  • distigmine bromide
  • distillation of structure
  • distilling flask
  • distinctions
  • distinguish
  • distocclusion
  • distomatosis
  • distomatosis
  • distortion
  • distractor
  • distraught
  • distress
  • distrustful
  • disturbance of iodine uptake
  • disturbance of metabolism
  • disturbances of the oxidation of fatty acids
  • disturbances
  • disulfide bridge
  • disulfiram
  • disulfiram
  • disulfoton
  • disulphide bridge
  • Dittrich plug
  • diuresis
  • diuresis
  • diuresis
  • diuresis
  • diuretic
  • diuretic
  • diuretic
  • diuretics
  • diuretics
  • divalent
  • divergence
  • divergence range
  • divergent delirium
  • divergent strabismus
  • diverticula (plural of diverticulum)
  • diverticula of large intestine
  • diverticular adenoma
  • diverticular colitis
  • diverticular concretion
  • diverticulitis
  • diverticulosis
  • diverticulosis
  • diverticulum
  • diverticulum
  • diverticulum of the urethra
  • diverticulum
  • diverticulum
  • diverticulum
  • diverticulum
  • divided dose
  • diving accident
  • divorce
  • divulsion
  • dixyrazine
  • dizygotic pregnancy
  • dizygotic twins
  • dizzy spells
  • dizzy
  • DNA adducts
  • DNA binding protein
  • DNA chip
  • DNA cleavage
  • DNA damage
  • DNA fragment
  • DNA glycosylases
  • DNA ligases
  • DNA methylation
  • DNA motif
  • DNA packaging
  • DNA photolysis
  • DNA polymerase
  • DNA polymerase chain reaction
  • DNA polymerase
  • DNA probe
  • DNA profiling
  • DNA repair enzymes
  • DNA repair
  • DNA repair
  • DNA repair-deficiency disorders
  • DNA replication
  • DNA sequence analysis
  • DNA sequence which codes for one protein
  • DNA sequence
  • DNA sequencer
  • DNA sequencing
  • DNA sequencing system
  • DNA shuffling
  • DNA synthesis
  • DNA synthesizer
  • DNA test
  • DNA topoisomerase
  • DNA topoisomerases
  • DNA transposable elements
  • DNA
  • DNA-unwinding protein
  • Do you feel pain when urinating?
  • Do you have trouble with your back?
  • Do you work or do you stay at home?
  • Do your hands shake?
  • dobutamine
  • docetaxel
  • docosahexaenoic acid
  • doctor
  • doctor
  • doctor has a good relationship with the nurses
  • doctor of medicine, surgery and obstetrics
  • doctor the books
  • doctor, general practitioner
  • doctor
  • doctorate
  • doctor-patient relations
  • doctor’s office
  • doctor’s orders
  • doctors without borders
  • document
  • documentation center
  • dodecahedron
  • dodecanol
  • dodecyl gallate
  • Does it hurt when I apply pressure?
  • Does this hurt?
  • dog bite
  • dolasetron
  • dolichocephaly
  • dolichol monophosphate mannose
  • dolichol
  • dolichomegaly
  • domestic aid
  • domestic violence
  • dominance
  • dominance effect
  • dominance
  • dominant gene
  • dominant hemisphere
  • dominant trait
  • dominant transmission disease
  • domiphen bromide
  • domperidone
  • Donath-Landsteiner antibody
  • donation by living donor
  • donation
  • donor
  • donor blood
  • donor, giver
  • donor
  • donor
  • Donovan bodies
  • Don’t be afraid, this won’t hurt.
  • Don’t touch me!
  • dopamine agonist
  • dopamine antagonist
  • dopamine receptor
  • dopamine uptake inhibitor
  • dopamine
  • dopamine-producing neuron
  • doping in sports
  • doping
  • doppler
  • doppler
  • Doppler device
  • Doppler scanning
  • Doppler shift
  • Doppler ultrasonography
  • dormancy
  • dormant
  • dornase
  • dorsal column stimulation
  • dorsal interosseous muscles
  • dorsal spine
  • dorsalgia, notalgia, back pain, dorsodynia
  • dorsiflexion
  • dorsoventral
  • dorzolamide
  • dosage compensation
  • dosage forms
  • dosage schedule
  • dosage unit
  • dose
  • dose
  • dose-dependent
  • dose-rate
  • dose-response curve
  • dose-response evaluation
  • dose-response relationship
  • dose-response relationship
  • dosimeter
  • dosimetric
  • dosimetric aerosol
  • dosimetry
  • dosing
  • dot hemorrhage
  • dothiepin
  • doting
  • double bind
  • double blind study
  • double cardiac sound
  • double lip
  • double-blind comparative trial
  • double-blind method
  • double-peaked fever curve
  • doubling of the number of chromosomes
  • douching
  • Douglas’ cry
  • Douglas’ pouch
  • dourine
  • down regulation
  • Down syndrome
  • down time (computer, diagnostic equipment, network)
  • downstream
  • doxapram
  • doxazosin
  • doxepin
  • doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal injection
  • doxorubicin
  • doxycycline
  • doxylamine succinate
  • doxylamine
  • drainage of the bile duct
  • drainage, aspiration
  • dramamine
  • drape
  • drapes
  • drastic cure
  • draw sheets for hospital beds
  • drawings
  • drepanocyte
  • drinking behavior
  • driver’s licence
  • driving behavior
  • driving under the influence of alcohol
  • drool
  • drop attack
  • droperidol
  • droplet infection
  • drought (climate term, NOT a medical term)
  • drowning
  • drowning
  • drowsy
  • drug abuse prevention
  • drug abuse
  • Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of the U.S. government
  • drug administration schedule
  • drug allergens
  • drug allergy monitoring
  • drug allergy
  • drug clinic, detox center
  • drug consumption
  • drug contamination
  • drug control
  • drug dealer
  • drug delivery system
  • drug epidemic
  • drug eruption
  • drug formulary
  • drug history
  • drug holiday
  • drug incompatibility
  • drug intelligence
  • drug metabolism
  • drug metabolism enzyme
  • drug oxidation
  • drug resistance
  • drug resistance
  • drug resistance
  • drug tolerance
  • drug toxicity
  • drug use by the mother
  • drug use, drug consumption
  • drug users
  • drug utilization review
  • drug-addicted offender
  • drug-induced akathisia
  • drug-induced dyskinesia
  • drug-induced headache
  • drug-induced jaundice
  • drug-induced parkinsonism
  • drug-induced toxicodermatitis
  • drug-induced ulcer
  • drug-induced
  • drug-metabolizing enzyme system
  • drug-resistant
  • drugs
  • drugs
  • drug-to-food interaction
  • drunkenness, inebriation
  • drusen
  • dry mouth
  • dry out
  • dry socket
  • dryness
  • dual-focus tube
  • dual-tropic virus
  • Duane retraction syndrome
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Duchenne-Erb paralysis
  • Duchenne-Friedreich atrophy
  • duct
  • ductal carcinoma in situ
  • ductal carcinoma
  • ductus arteriosus Botalli
  • ductus arteriosus
  • ductus arteriosus
  • ductus venosus arantii
  • Duffy antigen
  • dullness (sound)
  • dummy treatment
  • dumping of waste into the sea
  • dumping syndrome
  • Dunlop oxygen insufflator
  • duodenal
  • duodenal cap
  • duodenal carcinoma
  • duodenal diverticulum
  • duodenal drainage tube
  • duodenal fibroscopy
  • duodenal fluid
  • duodenal obstruction
  • duodenal papilla
  • duodenal papilla
  • duodenal recess
  • duodenal spasm
  • duodenal ulcer
  • duodenectomy
  • duodenitis
  • duodenojejunostomy
  • duodeno-pancreatectomy
  • duodenostomy
  • Dupuytren fracture
  • Dupuytren’s contracture
  • dura mater
  • dura mater of the brain
  • dura mater
  • dural aneurysm
  • dural poisoning
  • dural sheath
  • durapatite
  • Duret-Berner lesion of the brain
  • Durham tubes
  • Duroziez’ disease
  • Duroziez’ murmur
  • dust eliminator
  • dust mask
  • dust-free
  • dusty
  • Dutch
  • duties on spirits
  • duty of medical assistance
  • duty
  • dwarfism
  • dyclonine
  • dydrogesterone
  • dye worker’s cancer
  • dynamic hip screw
  • dynamometer
  • dyphylline
  • dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
  • dysautonomia
  • dysbarism
  • dysbasia
  • dysbulia
  • dyschromatopsia
  • dyschromatosis
  • dyschromia
  • dyscrasia
  • dysdiemorrhysis
  • dysembryoplasia
  • dysemia
  • dysenteric
  • dysentery
  • dysentery
  • dysentery
  • dyserythropoiesis
  • dyserythropoietic anemia
  • dysesthesia
  • dysfunction
  • dysfunctional
  • dysgammaglobulinemia
  • dysgenesis
  • dysgenesis
  • dysgenesis
  • dysgerminoma
  • dysgeusia
  • dysglobulinemia
  • dysgraphia
  • dyshidrosis
  • dyshidrotic eczema
  • dyskeratosic cells
  • dyskeratosis congenita
  • dyskinesia
  • dyskinesia algera
  • dyskinesia
  • dyskinesias
  • dyslalia
  • dyslalia
  • dyslexia
  • dyslexia
  • dyslexic person
  • dyslexic
  • dyslipemia
  • dysmegalopsia
  • dysmelia
  • dysmenorrhea
  • dysmenorrhea
  • dysmenorrhea
  • dysmetria
  • dysmimia
  • dysmorphia
  • dysmorphic disorder
  • dysostosis
  • dyspareunia
  • dyspepsia
  • dyspepsia
  • dyspepsia
  • dysphagia
  • dysphagia
  • dysphagia
  • dysphonia
  • dysphonia spastica
  • dysphoria
  • dysplasia of bone
  • dysplasia
  • dysplastic kidney
  • dysplastic nevus syndrome
  • dysplastic
  • dyspnea
  • dyspnea by tracheal obstruction
  • dyspnea due to exertion
  • dyspnea
  • dyspraxia
  • dysprosium
  • dysproteinemia
  • dysraphism
  • dysreflexia
  • dysrhythmia
  • dystocia
  • dystocia, difficult delivery
  • dystonia
  • dystonia
  • dystopia
  • dystrophin
  • dysuria
  • each
  • ear
  • ear drops
  • ear forceps
  • ear syringe
  • ear, nose & throat medicine
  • earache
  • earflap
  • earlobe
  • early childhood
  • early diagnosis
  • early dispersion
  • early growth response protein
  • early initiation
  • early neonatal mortality
  • early retirement
  • early treatment
  • early-phase reaction
  • earned income
  • earplug
  • earplugs
  • ears, the outer ears
  • ears
  • earth sciences
  • earwax
  • ease
  • eatery
  • eating disorder
  • eating habits
  • ebb & flow
  • Ebola fever
  • Ebola virus
  • Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve
  • ebullism
  • eburnation
  • ecchymoma
  • ecchymosis
  • ecchymotic
  • ECG recording
  • ECG wet gel electrodes
  • echinacea
  • echinococcosis of the liver
  • echinococcosis of the lung, alveolar echinococcosis
  • echinococcosis
  • echinomycin
  • Echinostoma
  • echinostomiasis
  • echoangiogram
  • echocardiogram
  • echocardiography
  • echocardiography
  • echocardiography
  • echogenic
  • echography
  • echokinesis
  • echosystole
  • echothiophate iodide
  • echovirus 6
  • eclampsia neonatorum, eclampsia of a newborn child
  • eclampsia
  • eclamptic
  • eclamptic toxemia
  • ecological abundance
  • ecological amplitude/scope
  • ecological balance
  • ecological damage
  • ecological imbalance
  • ecological succession
  • ecological systems
  • ecosystem research
  • ecothiopate iodide
  • ecotoxicity
  • ecotoxicology
  • ecstasy
  • ecstasy
  • ectasia
  • ecthyma
  • ectocardia nuda
  • ectocervical mucosa
  • ectoderm
  • ectodermal
  • ectodermal dysplasia
  • ectoenzyme
  • ectolysis
  • ectoparasitic infestation
  • ectopia of urinary bladder
  • ectopic ACTH syndrome
  • ectopic eruption (of tooth)
  • ectopic hormone secretion
  • ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, fimbrial pregnancy
  • ectopic testis
  • ectoplasm
  • ectoprosthesis
  • ectromelia
  • ectropion of the eyelid
  • ectropion
  • ectroprosopia
  • eczema
  • eczema
  • eczema
  • eczema intertrigo
  • eczema vesicles
  • eczema, sensitization dermatitis
  • eczematid
  • eczematid
  • eczematous
  • eczematous skin diseases
  • edema agent
  • edema of the glottis
  • edema of the glottis
  • edema-proteinuria-hypertension gestosis
  • edematous spurs
  • edematous
  • edentate
  • edetic acid
  • edgy
  • edible in its natural state
  • edrophonium chloride
  • education, knowledge and training
  • education
  • educational guidance
  • educational institution
  • educational level
  • educational methods
  • educational outreach on hard drugs
  • educational psychology
  • educational setting
  • educational standards
  • educational therapist
  • EEC ring-test
  • efalizumab screening
  • efalizumab
  • effacement of the cervix
  • effect modifiers
  • effective dose
  • effective dose
  • effectiveness analysis
  • effectiveness
  • effector
  • effector cell
  • effector molecule
  • effector T-lymphocytes
  • effects
  • efferent ductules in the testicle
  • efferent glomerular arterioles
  • efferent nerve
  • efferent neuron
  • efferent path
  • efferent
  • effervescent tablets
  • efficacious
  • efficacy
  • efficiency ratio
  • efficient
  • effluent
  • effuse
  • effused
  • effusion
  • effusion
  • eflornithine
  • egocentric
  • egoism
  • egregious
  • egtazic acid
  • e-health
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • ehrlichiosis
  • eicosanoid
  • eicosapentaenoic acid
  • eidetic imagery
  • eikonometer
  • Einhorn duodenal tube
  • ejaculate
  • ejaculate
  • ejaculation
  • ejaculatory duct
  • ejection fraction
  • ejection rate
  • EKG is spiky
  • elaborate
  • elaidic acid
  • elastase
  • elastic band
  • elastic compression
  • elastic fibers
  • elastic tissue
  • elastic, supple
  • elasticity
  • elastin
  • elastomer
  • elastosis dystrophica
  • elbow joint
  • elbow prosthesis
  • elbow, medial epicondylitis
  • elbow-related
  • elder abuse
  • elderly
  • elderly care
  • elderly person
  • elderly
  • elective surgery
  • electric accident
  • electric ophthalmia
  • electric shock therapy, electroconvulsive therapy
  • electric stimulation
  • electrical accommodation
  • electrical activity of the brain
  • electrical burn
  • electrical interference
  • electrical potential
  • electrical stimulation of the brain
  • electrical wires and cables
  • electrically heated compress for the eyes
  • electroacupuncture
  • electro-anesthesia
  • electrobiology
  • electrocardiogram
  • electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
  • electrocardiographic screening
  • electrocardiography
  • electrocardiotachometer
  • electrocatalysis
  • electrochemical activity
  • electrochemical oxidation
  • electroclinical
  • electrocoagulation of the bladder neck
  • electrocoagulation
  • electroconvulsive therapy
  • electrocution
  • electrocution with cardiac arrest
  • electrode
  • electrode
  • electrodermal response
  • electrodesiccation
  • electrodialysis
  • electro-ejaculation
  • electroencephalogram
  • electroencephalographic
  • electroencephalography
  • electrogalvanism
  • electrogram
  • electrokymography
  • electrolysis
  • electrolyte balance
  • electrolyte deficiency syndrome
  • electrolyte equilibrium
  • electrolyte imbalance
  • electrolyte metabolism
  • electrolytic stripping
  • electromagnetic equipment
  • electromagnetic field
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • electromagnetic radiation
  • electromedical equipment
  • electromedicine
  • electromuscular
  • electromyogram
  • electromyograph
  • electromyographic
  • electromyographic potential
  • electromyography
  • electron accelerator
  • electron beam
  • electron impact ionization
  • electron microscope
  • electron probe microanalysis
  • electron transport
  • electronarcosis
  • electroneural therapy
  • electroneurodiagnostic
  • electroneurography
  • electroneuromyography
  • electronic mail
  • electronystagmography
  • electrooculography
  • electro-pathology
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis of cerebrospinal fluid
  • electrophoresis of tears
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoresis
  • electrophoretic
  • electrophoretic analysis
  • electrophoretic mobility
  • electrophoretic mobility shift assay
  • electrophrenic respirator, iron lung, cuirass respirator, Drinker respirator
  • electrophysiological exploration
  • electrophysiological
  • electrophysiology
  • electroplating industry
  • electroporation
  • electropuncture
  • electroresection
  • electroretinogram
  • electroretinography
  • electrostatic charge
  • electrostatic force
  • electrostatic repulsion
  • electrosurgery
  • electrotherapeutics
  • electrotome
  • electrotonus
  • electrotransfection
  • electroversion
  • elementary particle
  • elephantiasis
  • elephantiasis pyodermatica
  • elephantiasis syphilitica
  • elephantiasis tuberosa
  • elephantiasis, true elephantiasis
  • eletriptan hydrobromide
  • elevation (on an EKG)
  • elevation
  • elevator
  • elevator
  • elicit
  • eligibility
  • eliminating illiteracy
  • elimination
  • elimination diet
  • elimination disorders
  • elimination of carbon dioxide
  • elimination of illiteracy
  • elimination phase
  • eliminative behavior
  • Elixophyllin®
  • Elliot’s sign
  • elliptocyte
  • eluent
  • elute
  • elution
  • elutriate
  • elutriation of antibodies
  • emaciation
  • emamectin benzoate
  • emanation
  • emancipation of a minor
  • embalming
  • embalming fluid
  • embarrassed? Aren’t you ashamed? Shame on you!
  • embedded
  • embodiment
  • embolectomy
  • embolectomy catheter
  • embolectomy
  • embolectomy
  • emboli
  • embolic metastatic encephalitis
  • embolic nephritis
  • embolic
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolism
  • embolization of the aneurysm
  • embolization of the external branches of the carotid artery
  • embolization
  • embolizing a vascular tumor
  • embolus
  • embolus
  • embrasure
  • embryo
  • embryo biopsy
  • embryo disposition
  • embryo implantation
  • embryo implantation
  • embryo loss
  • embryo transfer
  • embryoblast
  • embryocyst
  • embryology
  • embryonal tumor
  • embryonal
  • embryonic
  • embryonic anatomy
  • embryonic disc
  • embryonic disease
  • embryonic induction
  • embryonic stem cell
  • embryonic vestige
  • embryopathy
  • embryos needed to produce pregnancy in a sterile woman
  • embryotomy instrument
  • embryotomy
  • emedastine
  • emergency admission
  • enteropathy
  • enteropathy
  • enterostomy
  • enterotome
  • enterotomy
  • enterotoxemia
  • enterotoxin
  • enterotropic
  • enterovirus
  • entertainment
  • enthusiastic
  • entomology
  • entoptic vision
  • entorhinal cortex
  • entrapment
  • entropion correction
  • entropion
  • enucleation
  • enuresis
  • enuresis
  • envelope protein
  • envenomation (from a snake bite)
  • envious
  • environmental and ecological impact
  • environmental concentration
  • environmental conditions
  • environmental disaster
  • environmental diseases
  • environmental exposure
  • environmental health
  • environmental illness
  • environmental impact
  • environmental microbiology
  • environmental monitoring
  • environmental pollutants
  • environmental pollution
  • environmental predicament
  • environmental protection
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • environmental protection and loss prevention
  • environmental remediation
  • environmental research
  • environmental risks
  • environmental standards
  • environmental studies
  • environmental toxins
  • environmentally friendly packaging
  • environmentally friendly products
  • environmentally sound
  • enzootic
  • enzymatic activity
  • enzymatic adaptation
  • enzymatic concentrate
  • enzymatic decomposition
  • enzymatic deficiency
  • enzymatic inactivation
  • enzymatic reactions
  • enzyme
  • enzyme activation
  • enzyme activity
  • enzyme degradation
  • enzyme electrode
  • enzyme hydrolysis
  • enzyme induction
  • enzyme inhibition
  • enzyme inhibitor
  • enzyme precursor
  • enzyme reactivator
  • enzyme replacement
  • enzyme repression
  • enzyme stability
  • enzyme-inducing agent
  • enzyme-inducing agents
  • enzymic synthesis
  • enzymology
  • enzymopathy
  • eosine
  • eosinophil adenoma
  • eosinophil granulocyte
  • eosinophil pleurisy
  • eosinophil stimulation promoter
  • eosinophil
  • eosinophilia
  • eosinophilia
  • eosinophilia
  • eosinophilic adenoma
  • eosinophilic granuloma
  • eosinophilic leukemia
  • eosinophilic pneumonia
  • eosinophilic
  • ependyma
  • ependymal blastoma
  • ependymal cell
  • ependymitis
  • ependymoma
  • ephedra sinica
  • ephedrine
  • ephemeral fever
  • ephemeral
  • epiblepharon
  • epicanthus
  • epicardial electrogram
  • epicardium
  • epicillin
  • epicondylalgia
  • epicondyle
  • epicondyle of the femur
  • epicondyle
  • epicondylitis
  • epicranial aponeurosis
  • epicranial
  • epicranium
  • epicrisis
  • epicritic
  • epidemic of a mild illness
  • epidemic
  • epidemiological bulletin
  • epidemiological monitoring
  • epidemiological study
  • epidemiological
  • epidemiology
  • epidemiology of the outbreak
  • epidemiology
  • epidermal cell
  • epidermal cyst
  • epidermal growth factor
  • epidermal inclusion cyst
  • epidermal necrosis
  • epidermal plug
  • epidermal
  • epidermal
  • epidermodysplasia verruciformis
  • epidermolysis bullosa
  • epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
  • epidermotropic
  • epididymis
  • epididymis
  • epididymis
  • epididymitis
  • epidural abscess
  • epidural analgesia
  • epidural anesthesia, peridural anesthesia, caudal anesthesia
  • epidural bleeding
  • epidural blood patch
  • epidural hematoma
  • epidural inflammation
  • epidural injection
  • epidural
  • epidural
  • epigastralgia
  • epigastric artery
  • epigastric fossa
  • epigastric hernia
  • epigastric
  • epigastrium
  • epigenetic environment
  • epiglottal cartilage
  • epiglottic tubercle
  • epiglottis
  • epiglottitis
  • epilemma
  • epilepsy
  • epilepsy
  • epileptic equivalent
  • epileptic fugue
  • epileptic taste crisis
  • epilepticus
  • epileptiform convulsion
  • epileptoid
  • epinephrine
  • epiphenomenon
  • epiphora
  • epiphyseal cartilage
  • epiphyseal hypertrophy
  • epiphyseal separation
  • epiphyseal
  • epiphysectomy
  • epiphyseonecrosis
  • epiphysiolysis
  • epiphysis
  • epiphysis
  • epirubicin
  • episcleritis
  • episiotomy
  • episode
  • episode of transient shift
  • episodic
  • episomes
  • epispadias
  • epistasis
  • epistasis
  • epistatic deviation
  • epistatic effect
  • epistatic gene
  • epistaxis
  • epitestosterone
  • epithalamus
  • epithelia
  • epithelial attachment
  • epithelial blastomata
  • epithelial cells
  • epithelial cyst
  • epithelial neoplasm, skin cancer
  • epithelial peg
  • epithelial plug
  • epithelial tissue
  • epithelialization
  • epithelio-corneal dystrophy
  • epithelioid
  • epithelioid cells
  • epithelioma
  • epitheliosis
  • epithelium transplantation
  • epithelium
  • epithelium
  • epithelium
  • epithelium
  • epithelization
  • epithermal neutron
  • epitope
  • epitrochlea
  • epitympanic recess
  • eplerenone
  • epoetin alfa
  • epoetin gamma
  • epoetin omega
  • eponym
  • epoophoron
  • epoprostenol
  • eprinomectin
  • epsilon-chain immunoglobulins
  • epsiprantel
  • Epstein nephrosis therapy
  • Epstein nephrosis
  • Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Epstein’s syndrome
  • epulis
  • equable
  • equal opportunities
  • equal treatment
  • equal-interval scaling
  • equality between women & men
  • equalization
  • examination by a medical officer
  • examination lamp on a headband
  • examination
  • examination
  • examination
  • examination
  • examining room
  • examining table
  • exanthema
  • exanthema
  • exanthematous
  • exarthrosis
  • excavation of papilla
  • exceptional child
  • exceptionally serious
  • excessive frequency
  • excimer laser
  • excipient
  • excipient, carrier, inactive part of drug
  • excise
  • excision
  • excision of a cancerous tumor
  • excision of an aneurysm
  • excision, resection, surgical removal
  • excision
  • excisional biopsy
  • excitation state
  • excitatory amino acid agonists
  • excitatory amino acids
  • excite
  • exciting eye
  • exclusion criteria
  • exclusive
  • excochleation
  • excoriation
  • excrescence
  • excretion pattern of a drug
  • excretion vector
  • excretion
  • excretory
  • excretory duct
  • excretory urography
  • excursion (of a dental prosthesis)
  • exenteration
  • exercise movement techniques
  • exercise therapy
  • exercise tolerance
  • exercise tolerance test
  • exercise-induced asthma
  • exercises
  • exercises for pregnant women
  • exeresis
  • exertion, movement
  • exertional headache
  • exfoliation
  • exfoliative
  • exhale, to breathe out
  • exhaust fan
  • exhaust fumes
  • exhauster, suction conveyer, blower, vacuum
  • exhaustion
  • exhaustion
  • exhibitionist
  • exhibitions
  • exhumation
  • exit dose
  • exocelom
  • exocervix
  • exocrine gland
  • exocrine
  • exocrinopathy
  • exocytosis
  • exogenic poisoning
  • exogenous
  • exon
  • exonuclease
  • exophoria
  • exophtalmometry
  • exophthalmos
  • exophthalmos
  • exophthalmos
  • exophytic tumor
  • exosmosis
  • exotic disease
  • exotoxin
  • expander
  • expansion of blood volume
  • expansive mood
  • expansive querulous paranoia
  • expectancy free from disability
  • expectancy
  • expectant mothers
  • expectant
  • expectant
  • expected date of delivery
  • expected shelf life
  • expectorant
  • expectoration after postural drainage
  • expectoration
  • experience
  • experienced interpreter
  • experiential learning
  • experimental error
  • experimental medicinal product
  • experimental meteorology
  • experimental pathology
  • experimental psychology
  • experimental surgery
  • experimental variable
  • experimenting on humans
  • expert opinion on paternity
  • expert opinions
  • expert testimony
  • experts
  • expert’s report ordered by the court
  • expiration
  • expiration
  • expiratory depth
  • expiratory dyspnea
  • expiratory flow rate
  • expiratory reserve volume
  • expiratory volume (in one second)
  • explantation
  • explicit learning
  • exploit
  • exploitation of resources
  • exploration
  • exploratory surgery
  • explosive effect
  • exponential curve
  • exponential decay
  • exponential distribution
  • exponential growth
  • exposed person
  • exposure delayed effects
  • exposure limit
  • exposure time
  • exposure timing
  • expression (of a gene)
  • expression of the recessive phenotype
  • expression vector
  • expressive gesture
  • expressive
  • expressivity
  • expulsion
  • expulsive
  • exstrophy of the ureter
  • exstrophy of the urinary bladder
  • exstrophy
  • extended care
  • extended family
  • extension injury of the spinal column
  • extension splint
  • extensive fibrosis
  • extensive growth
  • extensive tissue binding
  • extensive
  • extensor
  • extensor muscle of the finger
  • extent of menstrual bleeding
  • exteriorization
  • extermination
  • external
  • external auditory canal
  • external carotid artery
  • external fixator
  • external intercostals
  • external reflex of the deltoid
  • exteroception
  • exteroceptive reflex
  • exteroceptor
  • extirpate
  • extirpation, removal of the prostate gland
  • extra-articular
  • extracapillary glomerulonephritis
  • extracapsular
  • extracellular cholesterosis
  • extracellular fluid
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix proteins
  • extracellular pathogen
  • extracellular space
  • extracellular
  • extracerebral tumors
  • extrachromosomal
  • extracorporeal circulation
  • extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  • extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
  • extracorporeal
  • extracranial
  • extractable
  • extraction forceps
  • extraction of an impacted tooth
  • extraction of nutrients
  • extraction
  • extractor
  • extradural
  • extra-embryonic
  • extrafascial
  • extrahepatic cholestasis
  • extrahepatic
  • extramarital relations
  • extramarital
  • extraneous water
  • extraneous
  • extraocular
  • extraoral
  • extraoral traction appliance
  • extraperitoneal
  • extraperitonealization
  • extrapolate
  • extrapyramidal damage
  • extrapyramidal dysarthria
  • extrapyramidal gait disorder
  • extrapyramidal system
  • extrapyramidal
  • extrarenal
  • extrasystole
  • extrasystole
  • extraterrestrial biology
  • extrathoracic
  • extrathoracic fraction
  • extravaginal
  • extravasate
  • extravasation
  • extravascular lung water
  • extravascular
  • extravasion
  • extremis
  • extremities
  • extremity of the testis
  • extremophile microorganism
  • extremophile
  • extrinsic factor
  • extrinsic reaction
  • extrinsic
  • extroversion
  • extrude
  • extubation
  • extumescence
  • exudate
  • exudate
  • exudate
  • exudate
  • exudate
  • exudation
  • exudative discoid and lichenoid dermatitis
  • exudative enteropathy
  • eye bath
  • eye color
  • eye compress
  • eye contact
  • eye drops
  • eye infection
  • eye injury
  • eye manifestations
  • eye movements
  • eye socket
  • eye wash fountain
  • eyeball
  • eyebright
  • eyecup (for rinsing the eye)
  • eyedness
  • equilibrium centrifugation
  • equilibrium
  • equine encephalitis
  • equinus deformity
  • equipment and supplies
  • equipment safety
  • equipment
  • equipotential
  • equivalence point
  • equivalent samples
  • equivocal
  • erabutoxin
  • eradicate
  • eradication
  • eradication of the outbreak
  • eradication of weeds
  • eradication or prevention of rabies
  • eragrostis
  • Erasmus’ syndrome
  • erect penis
  • erectile
  • erection
  • erection
  • erector
  • erector muscle pili
  • erepsin
  • erethism
  • ergastoplasm
  • ergastoplasma
  • ergogenic aid
  • ergoloid mesylate
  • ergometer
  • ergometric bicycle
  • ergometrine
  • ergometry
  • ergonomics
  • ergonovine maleate
  • ergosterol
  • ergot
  • ergot alkaloids
  • ergotamine
  • ergotism
  • ergotoxin
  • ergotropic
  • ergotropic zone
  • erogenous
  • erosion of the cornea
  • erosion
  • err is human
  • error-prone
  • erucic acid
  • eructation
  • eruption
  • eruption cyst
  • eruption
  • erysipelas
  • erysipelas
  • erysipelas
  • erysipelas
  • erysipelas
  • erysipeloid
  • erysipeloid
  • Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
  • erythema
  • erythema chronicum migrans
  • erythema infectiosum
  • erythema morbilliforme
  • erythema multiforme
  • erythema nodoso
  • erythema
  • erythema
  • erythematous blepharitis
  • erythrasma
  • erythritol
  • erythrityl tetranitrate
  • erythroblast
  • erythroblastic leukemia
  • erythroblastosis virus
  • erythroblastosis
  • erythroblastosis
  • erythrocyanosis
  • erythrocyte aggregation
  • erythrocyte aging
  • erythrocyte antibody
  • erythrocyte cast
  • erythrocyte count
  • erythrocyte denucleation
  • erythrocyte extravasation
  • erythrocyte inclusions
  • erythrocyte indices
  • erythrocyte membrane
  • erythrocyte resistance
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • erythrocyte stroma
  • erythrocyte suspension
  • erythrocyte volume
  • erythrocyte
  • erythrocytes
  • erythrocytic antigens
  • erythrocytic cholinesterase
  • erythrocytic
  • erythrocytopenia
  • erythrocytosis
  • erythroderma
  • erythrodermic syndrome
  • erythrogenic toxin
  • erythrohepatic porphyria
  • erythroid progenitor cells
  • erythrokeratodermia
  • erythroleukemia
  • erythromelalgia
  • erythromycin
  • erythronormoblastic anemia
  • erythroplasia
  • erythropoiesis
  • erythropoietin
  • erythropoietin
  • erythropoietin
  • erythroprosopalgia
  • escape beat
  • escape rhythm
  • Escat syndrome
  • eschar
  • escharotic burn
  • escharotic
  • Escherichia coli
  • escort service
  • Esmarch’s bandage
  • esomeprazole
  • esophageal acid perfusion test
  • esophageal and gastric varices
  • esophageal atresia
  • esophageal bleeding
  • esophageal cancer
  • esophageal diseases
  • esophageal diverticulum
  • esophageal perforation
  • esophageal prosthesis
  • esophageal reflux
  • esophageal scintigraphy
  • esophageal spasm
  • esophageal spasm
  • esophageal speech
  • esophageal sphincter
  • esophageal stricture
  • esophagitis
  • esophagitis
  • esophagocoloplasty
  • esophagogastrectomy
  • esophagogastric junction
  • esophagogastroplasty
  • esophagoplasty
  • esophagoscopy
  • esophagostomy
  • esophagus
  • esophagus
  • esophagus
  • esophagus
  • esophagus
  • esophagus
  • esophoria
  • esotropia
  • espundia
  • essential drugs
  • essential fructosuria
  • essential medical purposes
  • essential oils
  • essential pentosuria
  • established medical use
  • estaphedrin
  • ester bond
  • esterase
  • esterase
  • esterification
  • esterify
  • esthesiometer
  • esthesioneuroblastoma
  • estimating
  • estradiol acetate
  • estradiol benzoate
  • estradiol congeners
  • estradiol dehydrogenases
  • estradiol diacetate
  • estradiol receptors
  • estradiol sulfate
  • estradiol undecylate
  • estradiol
  • estramustine
  • estriol
  • estrogen levels
  • estrogen receptor alpha
  • estrogen receptor modulator
  • estrogen receptor modulator
  • estrogen receptor
  • estrogen replacement therapy
  • estrogen/gestagen mixture
  • estrogen/progestogen contraceptive
  • estrogen
  • estrogen
  • estrone
  • estrus
  • etallobarbital
  • etamiphylline
  • etanidazole
  • ethacridine
  • ethacrynic acid
  • ethambutol
  • ethamoxytriphetol
  • ethamsylate
  • ethanoate
  • ethanolamine
  • ethanolamine hydrochloride
  • ethchlorvynol
  • ethenoadenosine triphosphate
  • ethenzamide
  • ether narcosis
  • ether reflex
  • ethics committee
  • ethics
  • ethics
  • ethinyl estradiol
  • ethiodized oil
  • ethionamide
  • ethisterone
  • ethmoid
  • ethmoid bone
  • ethmoid sinus
  • ethmoidal nerve
  • ethnic cleansing
  • ethnic minority groups
  • ethnicity
  • ethnobotany
  • ethnolinguistics
  • ethnology
  • ethnopsychology
  • ethology
  • ethopabate
  • ethopropazine
  • ethyl acetate
  • ethyl alcohol
  • ethyl biscoumacetate
  • ethyl chloride
  • ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
  • ethylene dichloride
  • ethylene glycol
  • ethylene oxide sterilization
  • ethylene oxide
  • ethylene polyamines
  • ethylestrenol
  • ethylmercury chloride
  • ethylmercury compound
  • ethylmorphine hydrochloride
  • etidocaine
  • etidronic acid
  • etilefrine
  • etiocholanolone
  • etiologic study
  • etiologic
  • etiological factor
  • etiology
  • etiology
  • etiprednol dicloacetate
  • etofenamate
  • etofibrate
  • etomidate
  • etoposide
  • etretinate
  • etybenzatropine
  • etynodiol
  • etyprenalinum
  • fractionation
  • fracture
  • fracture
  • fracture
  • fracture appliance for ribs
  • fracture fixation
  • fracture fixation
  • fracture fixation
  • fracture of the neck of the femur
  • fracture, hyperflexion fracture
  • fracture
  • fracture
  • fracture
  • fractures
  • fractures
  • fractures of the arm
  • fractures of the jaw
  • fractures of the leg
  • fragment ion
  • fragment length polymorphism
  • fragmentation
  • fragmentation test
  • frail elderly
  • frail
  • frailty
  • frameshift mutation
  • frameshift mutations in the genome of the organism
  • frameshifting
  • framework
  • framycetin
  • fraternal benefit society
  • fraudulent claim
  • freak of nature
  • freak, monster (baby with multiple defects)
  • freckles
  • free acyl radical
  • free association
  • free education
  • free moisture
  • free of pyrogens
  • free organic acids
  • free radical inhibitor
  • free radical polymerization
  • free radical scavenger
  • free radicals
  • free recall
  • free water
  • free-circulating corticosteroids
  • eubacteria
  • eubiotics
  • eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes
  • eucalyptus oil
  • euchromatin
  • eugenic
  • eugenics
  • eugenol
  • euglobulin
  • euglycemia
  • euglycemic
  • eukaryotic cell
  • eukaryotic type II DNA topoisomerases
  • euphoretics
  • euphoria
  • eustachian tube
  • eutectic
  • euthanize
  • euthymic
  • euthyroid hypometabolism
  • euthyroid sick syndrome
  • euthyroid struma
  • euthyroid
  • euthyroidism
  • euthyroid-sick syndromes
  • evacuation cystoscope
  • evacuation of the intestines
  • evacuation of the stomach
  • evaluation
  • evaluation
  • evaluation scale
  • evaluation studies
  • evaluation, sensory analysis, taste test, sensory test
  • Evans blue
  • Evans infusion rule
  • Evans syndrome
  • evaporation
  • event
  • eventration
  • eversion of eyelids
  • eversion
  • everyone must fend for himself
  • evidence presented by a medical examiner
  • evidence-based medical practice
  • evisceration of orbit
  • evisceration
  • evoked potential
  • evoked response audiometry
  • evolution
  • evolution of the fetus
  • evolutionary process
  • evolve
  • Ewing’s sarcoma
  • Ewing’s tumor
  • ex situ conservation
  • exacerbate
  • exacerbation
  • examination
  • examination
  • examination at birth
  • eyedropper bottle
  • eyedropper
  • eyeglasses, eyewear
  • eyeground
  • eyelashes
  • eye-opener
  • eyestrain
  • Fab fragment
  • Fab immunglobulins
  • fabella
  • fabric softener
  • fabrication
  • face
  • face mask
  • facet
  • face-to-face communication
  • face-to-face interview
  • facial artery
  • facial bones
  • facial diplegia
  • facial expression
  • facial hair, beard hair
  • facial hemiatrophy
  • facial injury
  • facial muscles
  • facial nerve
  • facial neuralgia
  • facial symmetry
  • facial tic
  • facial wart
  • facilitation
  • facilities for the disabled
  • facilities
  • facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
  • factitious disorder
  • facto
  • factor analysis
  • factor C
  • factor deficiency
  • factor VIII deficiency
  • factor XI deficiency
  • factorial
  • facultative parasite
  • facultative symptoms
  • fagicladosporic acid
  • failure by chloroform
  • failure of treatment
  • failure to answer questions
  • failure to appear (in court)
  • failure to obey doctor’s instructions
  • failure to thrive syndrome
  • faint
  • faint
  • fainting spell, blackout, syncope
  • fainting
  • fair-skinned
  • falciparum malaria
  • fall flat on the ground
  • fallopian tube neoplasm
  • fallopian tube
  • false representation
  • false rib
  • falx cerebri
  • familial adenomatous polyposis of the colon
  • familial adenomatous polyposis
  • familial neutropenia
  • families
  • family allowance
  • family by marriage
  • family characteristics
  • family health
  • family history of cancer
  • family leave
  • family planning clinic
  • family planning
  • family practice
  • family relations
  • family structure
  • family welfare
  • famine
  • famotidine
  • Fanconi syndrome
  • Fanconi’s anemia
  • far point
  • Faraday cage
  • farmer’s lung
  • farnesol
  • farsighted, far-sighted
  • fart, wind, expelled gas, flatus
  • fart
  • fascia bulbi
  • fascia
  • fascia
  • fascia
  • fascial
  • fascicular
  • fasciculation
  • fasciitis
  • fasciola hepatica
  • fasciotomy
  • fase
  • fast food
  • fast neutrons
  • fast
  • fast-acting
  • fastidious microorganism
  • fastidious
  • fasting before slaughtering
  • fasting plasma
  • fat embolism
  • fat pad
  • fat substitutes
  • fatal accident
  • fatal injury, fatality, fatal accident
  • fatality rate
  • father a child
  • father does not have custody of the child
  • father
  • father-child relations
  • fathers
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